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Design Observer Audience Survey

Design Observer would like to know more about our readers — where you are, what you read on our site, what you like. We've put together a simple (and confidential) questionnaire in SurveyMonkey: we'd like to hear from as many readers as possible.

Survery closed Monday 9AM May 18 (and link removed here). Over 1500 readers completed the survey. Thank you. Winners will be posted within a day: stay tuned.

For those who complete the survey, we will hold a raffle to give away:
1. Michael Bierut's voice on your home answering machine (à la Carl Kasell of NPR)
2. Scrapbooks: An American History by Jessica Helfand (signed)
3. The Next Page: Thirty Tables of Contents by Michael Bierut, William Drenttel and Jessica Helfand (signed)
4. 40 Posters for the Yale School of Architecture by Michael Bierut (signed)
5. A bottle of Winterhouse maple syrup, a gift from William Drenttel and Jessica Helfand

Beyond the survey, comments on this post are also open: if there is something you especially like at Design Observer, let us know. If there is something we can improve, constructive suggestions are welcome, too.

Thank you.

Posted in: Technology

Comments [16]

Awesome job on the DO blog. You've provided connections/inspiration/juju that used to only be accessible at AIGA conferences. And you've even encouraged me to reconnect with AIGA. Thanks for the work! Keep going!
Kim Tackett

A pleasure contributing to DO's market research. I promise I didn't throw the curve.

I love this blog. Please, keep it up.

Also, the prizes sound amazing.

When is maple syrup not an awesome gift?

It would be nice in the survey if you allowed someone who didn't want to state their income to skip the question. As a rule I don't like to share my financial data...
Michael Pinto

I suggest amendments to the first and fifth prizes:

Michael leaves the voice message for your mobile phone voice mail box. I went completely mobile 3 years ago so don't have a home answering machine.

Bill and Jessica will make pancakes for the maple syrup as well. Yummy.
Dori Tunstall

If I win the raffle, can I get Michael Beirut's message on my OFFICE answering system? I'm thinking: "Hello, you've reached Pentagram, formerly Rob Henning Design. Mr Henning is not in . . ." And could that also come with a very lucrative buyout of my little home-based business?

I really appreciate Design Observer for two main reasons:
1. It brings to my attention all sorts of things I might not otherwise know about.
2. Reader's comments range from interesting and informed to nutty and unhinged, but almost always add something to the discussion, and I also personally enjoy the chance to comment.
Rob Henning

Michael Pinto: Lie about your income to everyone but your accountant.

And for those of us in Canada, I would propose the following:

1. Jessica comes to plant seeds on our deck/garden (and chats up the local design kids) in lieu of the maple syrup, which would be promptly confiscated by security folks if carried in your hand baggage.

2. Michael and Bill don't get their hands dirty.
L.M. Cunningham

This site is an amazing reference for graphic designers like myself who were not formally trained. It gives access to the best education you can get which is personal experience and wisdom from those who have already walked the path. Thank you.

so, why don't michael and bill get their hands dirty?

Are you going to publish the results? I'm curious too. BTW, I forwarded the URL of the survey instrument to my boss; it's inexpensive and I bet it's really easy to use.

Design Observer made me conscious of American Design. In the Netherlands we have our own graphic design museum, but I just can't get enough of the American vernacular. This blog simply teaches, inspires and makes me able to be more visual literate.


The number of jokes possible for number 1 are practically endless.
John Massengale

I said I would like to see more cowbell ... thanks to Will Ferrell that answer practically flew off my fingers to the keyboard.

I will say the long list of books with no reviews isn't very helpful, and that's saying something because I like books. Maybe a brief synopsis or an edited list or something. I'm sure that's partly to receive free books / flatter senders but the way the books are featured isn't helpful.

Winners from our drawing of survey respondents:

1. Michael Bierut's voice on your home answering machine (a la Carl Kasell of NPR) : Michael VanDerAa

2. Scrapbooks: An American History by Jessica Helfand (signed by the author) : Christine Klein, Bloomington, IN

3. The Next Page: Thirty Tables of Contents by Michael Bierut, William Drenttel and Jessica Helfand (signed by the authors) : Andrew Crocker, Brooklyn, NY

4. 40 Posters for the Yale School of Architecture by Michael Bierut (signed by the author) : Kate Earhart, San Francisco, CA

5. A bottle of Winterhouse maple syrup, a gift from William Drenttel and Jessica Helfand : Mark Lamster, Brooklyn, NY

Plus added prizes of Design Observer T-Shirts:

Robin Hendrickson, New York, NY
Ivan Maletin, Jerusalem Israel
Kyle Picone, Shelton, CT 0
Martins Pilsetnieks, Riga, Latvia
Travis Smith, Indianapolis, IN

Congratulations and thank you to all participants.

William Drenttel

Really great post, thanks. I particularly relate to your bit about notes regarding subjects or people you don't have any recollection of althoug sometime i like the fact I can't remember someone or thing - a sort of natural selection.
Hid Kit

Yes sometimes selective memory is a good thing, :) congrats to all the winners that maple syrup sounds pretty tasty
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Jobs | October 01