The Editors | Miscellaneous

Cause/Affect Competition

Detail of Cause/Affect promotional posters. Designer: Tim Belonax, with Kristen Bouvier and Arvi Raquel-Santos. Via FPO.

Organized by AIGA San Francisco, Cause/Affect is a biannual international competition that honors design for social change. Entries must "promote or support social good and actiively engage in enriching our lives" and must have been produced between June 2009 and June 2011. Entries must not "contribute directly to the profit of a commercial organization."

Fees are $30 for a single entry; $45 for a multiple-piece campaign or series; and $20 for a student entry.

Submission deadline is June 24, 2011.

A separate People's Choice Award will be conducted online. Its winner will be able to select any charitable recipient of a $5,000 donation that is made possible by a Sappi Ideas That Matter grant.

For more information, go here.

Posted in: Business

Jobs | October 01