John Foster | Accidental Mysteries

Accidental Mysteries

Accidental Mysteries is an online curiosity shop of extraordinary things, mined from the depths of the online world and brought to you each week by John Foster, a writer, designer and longtime collector of self-taught art and vernacular photography. “I enjoy the search for incredible, obscure objects that challenge, delight and amuse my eye. More so, I enjoy sharing these discoveries with the diverse and informed readers of Design Observer.”

Editor's Note: All images link to their original source and are copyright their original owners.

Posted in: Accidental Mysteries

Comments [4]

"After years of self-searching & coincidental discoveries Realizationism Art emerges to gave new meaning in my life not just as a visual artist but as a human being that seeks a divine purpose..."
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Fher Ymas

A fantastic collection of images once again. I love the black and white photo with the faces on it. It makes you wonder where it came from. The birds are pretty nice too.
Amelia Johnson

"I am alright, but not quite" is an unspoken felling of the masses.
alex gore

The first photo - the little girl and her lovely, outraged face as she pestered during her chalk-work. Oh boy, what a lovely moment. Also the first thing I have seen on my first visit to your site.
Alas, the attribution link went to codewasteland. Can you fill in any of the story?
Thank you, h

Jobs | July 02