The Editors | Twenty Years of Design Observer


Hillary Clinton rally
Delegates from New York hold signs in support of Hillary Clinton during the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia (Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images). From I'm With Her.

Butterfly ballots. Taco Trucks. Democratic socialists. Judicial pranks. The history of Totalitarianism. The future of free speech. Polling stations, and strategic voting. Collusion, and cold war diplomacy. The Black Panther logo, MAGA hats, and the making of a candidate. (I’m with her!) Obscurity? Integrity? We’ve often been characterized (or more accurately, accused) of both: not surprisingly, where politics are concerned, we’ve never shied away from coverage. (Or, for that matter, from controversy.) Not everything is design, but design is about everything, Michael Bierut once explained. So do yourself a favor: be ready for anything.

This look back into our archive is part of our Twentieth Anniversary celebration.

Posted in: Politics

Jobs | October 01