Debbie Millman | Audio

Seth Godin

In the world of marketing Seth Godin is an established and savvy master. If you type “Seth” into Google for example, the top result is his blog. If you search for Seth Godin on Amazon, his 18 books pop up, all of which have been bestsellers. He’s much more than a marketer though, he writes trenchantly about work, career, and personal growth. Some of his titles are Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us, and Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? His newest book is What Does it Sound Like When You Change Your Mind?

On this podcast Debbie talks to Seth Godin about how to live in our difficult political moment. “What we have to figure out is how to disconnect ourselves from the circle of fear and from the circle of contempt and even panic and make something that matters instead.”

Posted in: Arts + Culture, Design Matters, Politics

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