The Editors | Shameless Promotions

The Ask: 25K

With just over a week to go, we are in a race to the finish line. Herewith, an update on where we stand with the Fifty Books | Fifty Covers Project. And why we need your help.

Fifty Books is the longest uninterrupted design competition in the United States. Since we took things over from AIGA in 2011, we’ve been committed to recognizing these books and their designers. And we’ve done it all online … which seems wrong. 

So we decided to make a book: a beautiful, thick, exquisitely photographed, meticulously designed book to showcase and celebrate the winners.

We decided to make an exhibition: a simple, scalable, economical system—for these books to travel so they can be seen by everyone. At AIGA chapters. At schools. At museums. 

But we can’t do this without your support.

Since Design Observer was founded, in 2003, we have not asked for a penny from our readers, b
ut we’re asking now.

We’ll be posting daily updates for the next week, hoping that the number above will get smaller.

If we do not meet our goal, there will be no book, no poster, no educational traveling exhibit.

Share this post. Show some love. And thank you in advance for anything you can do to help support what we believe is a true representation of the best that design can be.

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Sam Williams

Jobs | October 01