The Editors | News from Elsewhere

News from Elsewhere

Would love to see this on its home turf in Chicago this summer, but will settle for Philadelphia in the fall.

A couple of years old, but this is still a great cautionary tale from the baseball card industry to vinyl collectors from the The Wire magazine.

The Design Museum in London is holding a "short course" on the digital state and future of design journalism on June 23.

"Dolls have never simply been toys, especially not throughout America’s racial history." A great essay on the role of African American dolls in history. (John Foster also covered an aspect of this topic back in March for us in a post about this book.)

How two set designers and a photographer captured the essence of death for this article on decomposition.

Face the music, not the DJ. The emergent style in dance music. And a bit of its past in this new book.

A neuroscientist asks compelling questions about the philosophy of color and how we perceive it in her new book, discussed here.

Fascinating (if slightly worrying) BLDGBLOG piece on fault creep (which is now my new band name).

Some fantastic exhibitions in New York museums make up for the typically downbeat schedules at the art galleries around town: Medieval rings at the Clositers and Roman glass at the Corning Museum of Glass. And if you can make it to Corning, this collection looks outstanding.
Jaws turns 40 this summer.

—Eugenia Bell

Homepage image: House in Hollister, California, from BLDBLOG's piece on fault creep. Photo by Geoff Manaugh. 

Jobs | October 01