The Editors | Essays

Paul Rand : Observer Emeritus

Prolific maker, impassioned theorist, and never one to shy away from public pronouncements (particularly when the higher purpose of design was concerned), the legendary American designer Paul Rand would have turned 100 this week. Many of us were his students and some of us were lucky enough to count ourselves among his friends. But all of us benefited from his piercingly-sharp eye, his thoughtful writings and perhaps most of all, his uncompromising approach to visualizing form. Rand was witty and principled and wise, a voracious reader, a disciplined critic — and an observer in the truest sense.  

We will be sharing daily posts to commemorate this milestone, and welcome your comments and reflections as we do so. Happy birthday, Mr. Rand. We miss you, and always will.

Posted in: History

Jobs | October 01