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Most Popular Change Observer Posts of 2013

Journeying through the Sacred Profane
David Stairs chronicles his trip through India.
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Small, Local, Open and Connected: Resilient Systems and Sustainable Qualities
How do we design a resilient socio-technical system? Let’s look to natural systems; their tolerance of breakdowns and their adaptation capacity (that is, their capability of sustaining over time) may give us direction.
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Oops: Understanding Failure
A review of To Forgive Design: Understanding Failure, by Henry Petroski.
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The Ecozoic City
How humans are reintegrating their endeavours into a larger ecological consciousness.
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8 Ways to Grow New York’s Design Sector
New York City is home to more designers than any other U.S, city and a top location in the world for cutting-edge design. NYCxDESIGN — the city’s first citywide design festival, launching this week —builds on much of that activity to increase awareness about what design is and what it can do. But there is more the city can do to solidify New York’s claim as a capital of design.
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Trust Is Not An Algorithm
By some accounts the world’s information is doubling every two years. This impressive if unprovable fact has got many people wondering: what to do with it?
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Gendered Arrangements: India
Girls are considered a burden in Indian society, the issue is popularly known as the “missing girls” phenomenon.
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Putting a Systems Sensitive Design Tool Through its Paces
A proposal for what a civic-oriented design curriculum should look like.
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Ways of Knowing
John Thackara's contrubution to the book Gallery of the Senses, that explores the ways we expereince the contemporary world through sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.
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The Millennial Designer
Young designers and design students today pursue the rewards of creativity.
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Jobs | October 01