Debbie Millman | Audio

Oded Ezer

Oded Ezer is a graphic artist and typographer in Tel Aviv. Ezer is best known for his typographic design fiction projects (such as Biotypography, Typosperma, Typoplastic Surgeries and, more recently, for his series of eight typographic videos for the V&A), his design for the New American Haggadah and SkypeType poster, and for his ongoing contribution to Hebrew type design.

Ezer studied graphic design at the Bezalel Academy of Art & Design, Jerusalem. In 2000 he went on to establish his own independent studio, Oded Ezer Typography, where he specializes in typographic and fonts design. In 2004 Oded founded HebrewTypography type foundry, selling his own typefaces to leading media companies and design studios.

Ezer’s projects, posters and graphic works are showcased and published worldwide, and are part of permanent collections of eminent museums such as the New York Museum of Modern Art (MoMA, NYC), Israel Museum of Art (Jerusalem), Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A, London), Museum für Gestaltung (Zürich) and Design Museum Holon (Tel-Aviv).

Oded Ezer was elected to the Alliance Graphique Internationale in 2009. His first monograph Oded Ezer: The Typographer’s Guide to the Galaxy was published by Die Gestalten Verlag in May 2009.

Posted in: Business, Design Matters, Typography

Comments [2]

It's fascinating the way in which Oded Ezer redefines what, since the times of Ferdinand de Saussure, seemed to be an indivisible dichotomy of signifier and signified. He gives type new life, meaning and tasks.


I am an Data and Software Systems Engineer. In my profession, it is all about detailed data structures and data scrubbing. As such, I am continuously forced to notice all sorts of things in the world that require fixing. Even those that are not remotely within my power to correct. Nevertheless, I find myself noticing hiccups along my journey of discovery.

Three months ago, I left my corporate job at University of Phoenix to re-start my business, tekAura. In support of this venture I started Full Sail University's Masters of Science in Innovation & Entrepreneurship degree. I just finished listening to your Episode on Design Matters with Oded Ezer (http://observermedia.designobserver.com/audio/oded-ezer/38176/) and felt inspired by your show, brands and and topics. So, I attempted to locate your show page. Along my journey, I notices that your Bio on DesignOverver.com (http://designobserver.com/author/debbie-millman/617/) led to a personal BlogSpot (http://debbiemillman.blogspot.com/) account, which then redirected me to your new website at DebbieMillman.com (http://www.debbiemillman.com/). Although I recognize it as trivial, I am immediately driven to notify you of this a potentially requiring an update to direct your readers/listeners to your new website instead.

In between the first thought of a simple suggestion until this very moment, I have been compelled to inform you of this potential oversight. Even though it has been engrained by upbringing to never, even in the slightest way, suggest an improvement to another whom has not requested an opinion as it will only serve to suggest that I am a notorious nit-picker and considered rude, the biggest offense, for all eternity.

So, pardon me, if I impose, instead, an inquiry. I am curious, Do you find value in retaining your old domain as a separate entity. I find this behavior curious as I am currently in the process of defining my own brand strategy and am being faced with the same questions. Do I migrate all of the data from the blogspot account to the content management system hosted on my primary domain? Do I trust Google to retain an archive of my blogspot account forever? Do I shutdown public access to the blogspot account via the subdomain and redirect all traffic to www? Do I enforce a permanent redirect, specifically, to the migrated archive address? I am facing these questions as I struggle to survive by fulfilling various constrained contracts and seeking to achieve meaningful relationships with our clientele. Even now, as I contemplate adding this topic to my own blog/show idea list, I struggle with the primary purpose and applicable appropriateness to the context of this communication.

Now, if I haven't lost you at this point.... I will divulge that being an Open Source (http://opensource.org/) Software Engineer & Innovation Entrepreneur, I am consistently faced with the realization that partner and industry reputation is often more dependent on charisma and salesmanship, than realism and openness. Even in the Open Source industry, there is a general standard practice that you must earn your reputation by way of level of involvement or how central you perch on the strategic decision making tree. Granted, some Open Source companies, like Ubuntu (http://www.ubuntu.com/)'s Canonical (http://www.canonical.com/), do better jobs than others of encouraging multiple levels and aspects of collaboration and ease of entry into opportunities is reduced by using a structured approach to open innovation as the basis of their core values.

Lastly, I especially identified with your guest in reference to discovering someone's "calling in life". I am consistently faced with the idea that my creative potential has yet to be fully realized. I would be interested to know how more about your personal path in the business world. Have you written an autobiography? I will continue to listen in order to gain this insight.

Jobs | October 01