John Thackara | Essays

Navy Yard, GradComD, Brown Bag, Hard Hat

My talks and encounters in the US next week are about design for life after the industrial growth economy. I hope to see some of you there.

Design in the Light of Dark Energy
The Greater Philadelphia Innovation Cluster is an innovation hub at the Navy Yard. This conference on Architecture and Energy is at Meyerson Hall, Pennsylvania School of Design, Philadelphia. Friday, January 27.

Design in a Gift Economy
Jobs and money are in short supply — probably for ever. Are there ways that design can add new value to sharing, bartering, lending, trading, renting, gifting, exchanging & swapping? (I know GradComD sounds like something in Dr. Strangelove but is in fact my host, Jeff Belantoni's, excellent programme). Monday January 30, 6pm, Higgins Hall, Brooklyn campus of Pratt Institute.

Brown Bag at Studio X
Bring a brown bag because I'll be talking about catabolic collapse at my lunchtime chat at Studio X the New York hub of GSAPP’s (look it up) global network of advanced research laboratories for exploring the future of cities. 180 Varick St, New York, NY 10014, January 31, 2012, 12:30-1:30pm MAP.

Hard Hat at SVA
Allan Chochinov must be expecting aggro because we all have to wear hard hats to his "at home" session on the occasion of his new masters programme Products of Design. SVA, 136 West 21 Street New York, NY 1011-3213 ([email protected] Thursday 
February 2, 7-9pm

Posted in: Education , Social Good

Jobs | October 01