Debbie Millman | Audio

James Biber

James Biber has practiced architecture in a multi-disciplinary environment for more than 25 years. His work centers on a belief that architecture as an expression of identity is inseparable from its language of form and tectonics. The result is an architecture tied closely to its context; whether physical, cultural or metaphorical. He has a new creative studio which comes after nearly two decades as the architectural partner in Pentagram’s New York office. His work has been recognized by the AIA, AIGA, SEGD and other professional design organizations, and has been published in The New York Times, Architectural Record, The Wall Street Journal, Architect, Blueprint, Wallpaper, Dwell, Metropolitan Home, New York Magazine and the design press internationally.

Posted in: Architecture, Business, Design Matters

Comments [1]

Paper Architecture:
Here is Michael Bierut interviewing James Biber in the Cube.
From Bauhaus to the Good, Bad and the Gehry.

Further reading:
How do you develop a systemic or structural way of thinking?

Carl W. Smith

Jobs | October 01