Debbie Millman | Audio

Angus Hyland

Angus Hyland studied information design at the London College of Printing and graphic art and design at the Royal College of Art. After running his own studio in Soho for ten years, he became a partner in Pentagram's London offices in 1998. Recently he co-authored the book Symbol with Steven Bateman.

In this audio interview with Debbie Millman, Angus Hyland discusses how dyslexia led him to design, getting a job at Pentagram, the peace sign, Deutsche Bank, the play button, the London Olympics — and his new book.

Posted in: Design Matters, Graphic Design

Comments [2]

Q = ?

Q: How many typographers does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Does it have to be a light bulb?
A: Ask Angus.
Carl W. Smith

The semantics of the peace sign has changed so much from its original meaning.
Hector Torres

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