The Editors | Essays

Introducing Three New Writers

It was always our plan when we started Design Observer to invite some additional voices to join the team when the moment seemed right. We are delighted to introduce three outstanding new contributing writers to the line-up.

Momus, Tom Vanderbilt and Lorraine Wild will be posting regularly from now on. We never intended that this weblog would confine itself solely to graphic design — hence the open-ended site name. Our hope is that as Design Observer develops, it will be possible to push out into other, non-graphic areas of design and help to make connections that are much less common in design discussion than you might expect.

Momus is a British musician with more than 20 albums to his name — his latest, Otto Spooky, will be released in early 2005. He narrowly avoided a career in graphic design, deciding instead to study literature, and brings to design commentary the broad cultural perspectives of a highly informed observer. He writes about design for Metropolis, the AIGA's Voice website, and his own Click Opera weblog. Momus travels widely and lives in Berlin.

Tom Vanderbilt is one of the most wide-ranging and perceptive design writers to have emerged in recent years. He is a contributing editor of I.D. and Print, and his by-line can be found everywhere from Wired and Nest to The New York Times Magazine and the London Review of Books. He is author of The Sneaker Book and Survival City, a study of cold war architecture in the US. Tom lives in Brooklyn.

Lorraine Wild has a formidable reputation as designer, design educator and critic. She co-founded the studio ReVerb, before, in 1996, establishing her own practice, which concentrates on projects for architects, cultural organisations and publishers. She has taught at California Institute of the Arts since 1985. Her influential essays about such topics as modernism, design education and craft have appeared in Emigre, I.D., Design Quarterly and Print. Lorraine lives in Los Angeles.

We very much look forward to reading their thoughts.

The Editors

Jobs | October 01