John Thackara | Essays

From Participatory Mapping to Coastal Livelihoods

I'm a huge fan of the Buckminster Fuller Challenge. The annual international design award grants $100,000 to support the development and implementation of a “bold, visionary, tangible initiative that is focused on a well-defined need of critical importance” and “comprehensive, anticipatory, integrated approach. Winning solutions are regionally specific yet globally applicable to solving the world's complex problems.”

I wrote about last year's winner here.

I am therefore looking forward to the Finalist Presentations that take place in New York City on Wednesday June 8, 6-8pm. I'm speaking — but not for too long: the evening is mainly about the four candidates. Their number includes: alternative income initiatives to protect coastal livelihoods, software that turns a laptop into a mass messaging hub, and participatory mapping in the Congo Basin.


Posted in: Education

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