Debbie Millman | Audio

Stephen Doyle

Stephen Doyle is the creative director of Doyle Partners, and the winner of the National Design Award for Communication, 2010. He has worked at M&Co., Rolling Stone and Esquire. He's a member of AIGA, and was elected to the Alliance Graphique Internationale in 1995. Stephen teaches in the graduate program at The School of Visual Arts and has taught at Yale, The Cooper Union and NYU. He lives in Greenwich Village with his wife and two children. In this audio interview with Debbie Millman, he discusses working for Tibor Kalman, renting his soul to the devil, fear of failure, magazines, metaphors and working with his hands.

Posted in: Arts + Culture, Design Matters, Media

Comments [3]

I would certainly hope a more diverse batch of folks to be featured in these essays could be found. What's been written about lately is white, well to do, of privilege. Where is the diversity of youth, age, color, disability, sex status and those working above and below society norms?

The logo design for The Cooper Union coincided with the schools 150th anniversary and Cooper Union alumnus, Stephen Doyle (A’78) took on the assignment with his design firm as a pro bono contribution to the school. Cooper Union’s president Dr. Campbell said “a new logo should transcend history, tradition and culture, and embrace the future.” The new logo does just that! It also denotes Cooper Union’s legacy and will help preserve Cooper’s full-tuition scholarships so that a more talented and diverse student body will continue to be able to receive an education of the first rank based on merit.
Thank you Debbie and Stephen.
Carl W. Smith

agree...things that old white people like

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