The Editors | Primary Sources

Neville Brody Wants You

18-26 SEPTEMBER 2010


This is a call for submissions for the inaugural Anti Design Festival, which will run from 18-26 September on and around Redchurch Street in Shoreditch, London. The ADF is Neville Brody's response to an invitation to contribute to the London Design Festival, and gathers contributions of art and design that challenge contemporary stereotypes. This is work that is seen as un-commercial, dangerous, and anti-establishment. For artists, designers, and other creatives, this is an opportunity to exhibit work alongside contributors including Jonathan Barnbrook, Stuart Semple and Stefan Sagmeister.

This is the chance to show previous work that has failed with clients or instructors, or to produce completely new work without the imposition of market restrictions. Because this festival is completely nonprofit in orientation, we cannot pay for contributions. However, this is an opportunity for your work to engage a wide audience in a context that will challenge and provoke the public to rethink the role of art and design in contemporary culture.

We have two separate streams that you can submit your work to. Submissions will be accepted until Friday, 13 August 2010 at 11:59PM BST. There is no need to confirm your interest.

The first stream is for small, reproducible multiples. Submissions can take any form you want, but the bulk of the work should be cheaply-made and reproducible so that visitors can take it and use it however they want. For more information, including creative prompts and a submission upload form, please see this link. Please write to [email protected] with any questions related to this first stream.

The second stream is for large, one-off pieces of various sizes that will be framed and hung closely alongside each other. The theme for this stream is State of Mind, Mind of State, which considers the reciprocal relationship between personal psychology and state control. For more information, including submission details, please see this link. Please write to [email protected] with questions related to this second route.

Finally, the ADF will also feature a series of performance evenings — spanning music, spoken word, experimental performance, movement and moving image. If you have a proposal for an evening performance please write directly to [email protected] with your idea by Monday, 26 July 2010.

This is a fantastic opportunity to get involved in an event that will be unlike any other. We look forward to seeing your submissions.

Comments [5]


“un-commercial, dangerous, and anti-establishment”

Is the ADF Neville Brody’s new storm cloud?
Carl W. Smith

Whats the point? Anti isnt so anti anymore.

@Jerome: There has never been 'anti'. Just 'other'.

"This is work that is seen as un-commercial, dangerous, and anti-establishment."

aha... and Stefan Sagmeister is exhibiting. Huh..very dangerous and anti- establishment. Looks like Design Observer has mixed a few things up...

What we really need is a festival to celebrate design that isn't "design for designs sake". The first job of design is to communicate, and I can't help but stumble when I try to read over sized text that has been set with so little leading that the tittle's on the i from the line below makes it look like there are strange periods all over... very annoying.

I still hold out hope that this is a huge joke about pretentious designers and that it is just going over my head... But if it is going over my head, it is because I am in the trenches of the design world fighting tooth and nail for a little creative freedom, not making Depeche Mode album covers... or making words out of sticks and rotten fruit. My designs have to stand on their own merit, not the merit of my reputation.

Jobs | October 01